What is WINDEV used for?
WINDEV is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It allow you to develop applications in
many fields:
- Stock management, inventory, product tracking,
- Adjustment and monitoring of machines on an assembly line,
- Taking orders for fast processing in a temporary outlet (fairs, schools, booth, ...),
- Customer forms,
- Help with making snap decisions on a cell phone,
- Checking the identity of visitors at an event: trade fair, presentation of products, ...
- On-call doctors or vets,
- Taking information in a temporary outlet: trade fair, street poll, stadium, ...
WINDEV is an integrated development environment that includes all the tools required to develop
an application.
Unlike other programming languages, there is no need to find and add modules to be able to
design, check and install an application.
The 5GL (5th Generation Language) of WINDEV, named WLanguage, will surprise you by its
simplicity: a few hours are all you need to get the hang of it, a week is usually all it takes to fully
master its potential!
No more programming hassle, WLanguage is available in English and in French!